Self-nomination for Oshkosh Food Co-op Board of Directors

Dear Oshkosh Food Co-op Members,

We are posting the notice of openings for the Oshkosh Food Co-op Board of Directors!  Three board positions are open for election in 2017. Board members hold their positions for three-year terms, and elections are held in the first half of every year. If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please see the process for self-nomination below.  If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at [email protected].



Self-nomination for the Oshkosh Food Co-op Board of Directors


Note: Please review the Oshkosh Food Co-op by-laws, which are available here:



Nomination and Election Process:

  1. Board nominations are open beginning Monday, January 30th
  2. The nomination statement (see requirements below) must be emailed to [email protected] by the end of the day on February 14, 2017
  3. Qualifying nominees will be placed on the ballot, which will be announced no less than 30 days prior to election
  4. An election will take place by ballot at the Oshkosh Food Co-op annual meeting (date coming soon). Ballots will be counted and results announced at the end of the meeting

Board Member Expectations and Responsibilities:

  • Commit to a three-year term
  • Prepare for, attend, and participate in Board meetings (held every other week with the schedule to be determined by the Board members availability, and generally lasting 2 hours)
  • Prepare for, attend, and participate in a Board annual retreat (usually scheduled in January on a weekend day)
  • Respond promptly (within 48 hours ideally) to Oshkosh Food Co-op Board emails and/or voice mail messages
  • Attend the Oshkosh Food Co-op annual meeting, the official meeting of the owner-members of the Oshkosh Food Co-op
  • Serve on and/or lead Board committees

Your nomination statement must include:

  1. First and Last Name
  2. Address of residency
  3. What would you bring/offer to the Oshkosh Food Co-op Board?
  4. What is your dream for the Oshkosh Food Co-op for the coming years?
  5. Why do you think the Oshkosh Food Co-op is important to the greater Oshkosh community?
  6. Why cooperatives?
  7. Please offer any additional thoughts you would like Oshkosh Food Co-op member-owners to know about you

Nominations, including the nomination statement, must be received by email on or before Tuesday, February 14, 2017. E-mail a complete nomination statement to Kelly Matthews, Oshkosh Food Co-op Board President, at [email protected].


Thank you,


The Oshkosh Food Co-op Board


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