2018 Board of Directors Nominations Now Open!

Dear Oshkosh Food Co-op Members,

This is the official notice of openings for the Oshkosh Food Co-op Board of Directors! Are you passionate about local foods, eager to open a thriving community-owned grocery store in the heart of Oshkosh, and excited to work with a creative, skilled, and dedicated team? If your answer is yes, yes, yes…WE NEED YOU!

Each year, three board positions are open for election. Board members hold positions for three-year terms, and elections are held in the first half of every year. Two additional board slots are open this year due to two board members leaving their terms early (one for a medical reason, another for a community endeavor).

All together we have five slots open for the Oshkosh Food Coop Board of Directors with three incumbents running again. Nomination statements are due Tuesday, February 27, 2018. You can find details about what being a board member entails as well as how to run for the Oshkosh Food Co-op Board of Directors by downloading the nomination packet here

We are here to help you consider running for the Oshkosh Food Co-op! Stop in and talk with current board members during any one (or all!) of the opportunities below.

Wednesday, February 7th board members will be available for informal conversation and questions at Planet Perk (City Center) from 4:30 - 6PM; open house style.

Saturday, February 10th we will be at the Oshkosh Farmers Market from 9:00AM-12:30PM. Stop by to talk and/or ask questions.

Wednesday, February 14th we will hold an open house from 6:00-6:30PM prior to our board meeting; location 817 Waugoo Ave, Oshkosh. Stay for the board meeting if you'd like! Board meeting runs from 6:30-8:30PM.

If you are interested in becoming a Board member, and we hope you are, please see the process for nomination here.  If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at [email protected]

Thank you,

The Oshkosh Food Co-op Board of Directors


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