Join us on Saturday October 10 and Sunday October 11 for a LIVE broadcast on Facebook and YouTube featuring the following member-owner guests!
Are you a member and are willing to host a watch party? Learn more here.
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Saturday, October 10th 10 am-4 pm
10:00 Board Chair Brenda Haines and volunteer Natalie Johnson welcome you to Co-op Grow-Op LIVE 2020, sponsored in part from a donation from Thrivent
10:10 We're live from the Oshkosh Farmers Market, speaking with Manager Michelle Schmid.
10:30 It's coffee time! Member-owner Ken Osmond, owner of Planet Perk, shows us how to make the perfect pour over coffee
10:50 Namaste! Member-owner Lea Ann Schneider, owner of Embody Yoga, teaches us some everyday yoga poses for everyone.
11:10 Member-owner and volunteer committee rockstar Marlo Ambas and his wife Patricia give us a glimpse inside his work for the co-op and their downtown Oshkosh restaurant, Manila.
11:30 Justin Duell, owner of G Farm, gives us a tour of his business.
11:50 Member-owner Trent Wester, owner of Thunderbird Bakery, educates on the history of sourdough and how to keep your sourdough starter healthy at home.
12:20 Why local? Member-owner and organic farmer Danielle Boerson tells us why from her booth at the Oshkosh Farmers Market
12:40 Member-owner Keri Uselman, owner of Wellness Essentials, does a cooking demo for us.
1:00 It's 5:00 somewhere... member-owner Ryan Prellwitz, owners of Vines and Rushes, gives us a tour of his facility and a glimpse into the winemaking process.
1:20 Founding co-op member-owner and graphic designer Drew Mueske speaks about his process and inspiration behind designing the Oshkosh Food Co-ops new logo, scheduled for release in November 2020.
1:40 Member-owner Deb Toman, owner of Atomic Katz, speaks about the sustainability of vintage clothing and products, while giving us a glimpse of some of their favorite Fall fashions.
2:00 Member-owner Deb Sommerhalder, owner of Inner Sun Yoga, demonstrates and educates us in sound therapy.
2:20 Member-owner Chanda Anderson, owner of Caramel Crisp, cooks up some fresh caramel corn and shows us some great local products available in her shop.
2:40 Fizzzzzzz. Member-owner Cory Tellock, owner of Pilora's and Joi Kombucha, explains the process of fermenting and bottling his kombucha.
3:00 Sit for a moment while member-owner Kat Bettger, certified yoga instructor, speaks to us about the benefits of meditation and guides us in a short session.
3:20 Fast Food... Member-owner Megan Bartelt, owner of Bartelt Holistic Health and Carrot & Kale, shows us how to make a delicious and nutritious smoothie.
3:40 Cheers! Steve Bork, manager of McKnight Carlson, helps us pick out a wine for your everyday table.
Sunday, October 11th 10 am-4 pm
10:10 Member-owner Brad Spanbauer, UWO Associate Lecturer of Biology and Campus Sustainability Coordinator, speaks to us about simple changes you can make to live a more sustainable life.
10:30 Time for another cup? Member-owner Carol Velasco, manager of the Howard, has their talented baristas show how to make a specialty Fall coffee drink.
10:50 Hungry yet? Member-owner Mike England, Chef of TJ's Highlands, makes a delicious, Fall inspired brunch dish.
11:10 Member-owner Bill Thimke, owner of Black Pearl Coffee Roasters, speaks about the history and process of coffee production and roasting.
11:30 Moooooove over! Board Member Melissa Weyland gives us a glimpse into the life of the cows on their pasture.
11:50 Member-owner and CEO of Greater Oshkosh Economic Development Corporation Jason White shares his excitement for our project and why it's an important development for Oshkosh.
12:20 Brio Building Update. Member-owner and Operations Partner Joy Hanneman gives us a history and update on the Brio Building, where our Oshkosh Food Co-op will be located.
12:40 Live from Vermont, member-owner and Seven Roots Co-op Consultant Kevin O'Donnell shares the work that has been happening on our grab-and-go and deli offerings.
1:00 Member-owners Marti and Dick Norton demonstrate how to press apple cider on their very own antique press.
1:20 Board Member, organic farmer, and member-owner Tracy Vinz and her husband Dick give a tour of their certified organic farm Olden Organics, speaking about how they continue to grow through the Wisconsin winters.
1:40 Library Adventures with member-owner Marie Boleman, Head of Children’s and Family Outreach Services at the Oshkosh Public Library.
2:00 Becca Schoenberg, outreach coordinator of Menomonie Market (a co-op!) gives us a tour of their store.
2:20 Hiring committee rockstar and member-owner Michelle Hammett gives us an exciting update on the hiring of our General Manager.
2:40 How did this co-op start? Oshkosh Food Co-op Founder Bridgette Weber shares the story of our co-op from its inception in 2013. (Nationally, it takes 5-7 years to open a co-op, by the way.)
3:00 Former Board Chair and founding member Kelly Matthews shares some insight into the early days of this project.
3:20 Apples for apples? Member-owners Lori and John Redmond of Redmond's Apple Basket Orchard give us a tour on their growing orchard outside of Ripon, WI.
3:40 It's beer o'clock. Member-owner Ian Wenger, founder of Fifth Ward Brewery, shows us their facility, a glimpse into the process, and shares some of their new seasonal flavors.
Hourly Giveaways
Saturday, October 10
10-11 am Pound of coffee from Planet Perk
11-Noon Pastry pack from Thunderbird Bakery: classic croissant, pain au chocolat, cinnamon roll and seasonal galette
Noon-1 pm Locally grown, certified organic carving pumpkin from Boerson Farm
1 pm-2 pm Free yoga class from Inner Sun Yoga
2 pm-3 pm $10 Caramel Crisp or Pilora's Gift Card
3 pm-4 pm Bottle of wine from McKnight & Carlson
Sunday, October 11
10-11 am $10 Gift Card to the Cafe at the Howard
11-Noon Coupon for a gallon of Organic Valley milk and a Caramel Crisp cookie
Noon-1 pm Bourbon barrel aged maple syrup from Uncle Mike's Maple Syrup
1 pm-2 pm $10 Caramel Crisp Gift Card
2 pm-3 pm Organic Valley pasture raised butter with a loaf of Thunderbird Sourdough bread
3 pm-4 pm Growler and coupon for a fill from Fifth Ward
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