June 22, 2015
A quick note from the President this month – we’ve got lots to celebrate!
We will be having our 2nd Annual Meeting on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. You are invited! Bring a dish to pass, bring a friend who might be interested in joining – we are looking at this event as a mini-member drive! We will be at Menominee Park from 6-8PM in shelter #2. We will provide beverages and cups; you bring the dishes your group needs to eat (plates, forks, etc.). Come celebrate all we’ve accomplished this past year and hear about what’s coming next!
On June 4, we held a very successful member drive event, Co-op Grow Op! We had nationally-known Michelle Schry speak on the importance of Co-ops in communities and wow, did our audience respond! We had over 45 new households join the Oshkosh Food Co-op as Member-Owners and we couldn’t be happier! The exciting thing is that those new members can speak to their friends and neighbors and further extend the possibility of membership! A huge shout-out to the Table Captains, planning committee and volunteers who made that event rock!
Remember, we need your help to keep this momentum going and to keep growing our membership! Host a house party or summer BBQ and invite a board member to answer questions about the Co-op and sign up members! The weather’s perfect and who doesn’t like a get-together?
If every current member recruited two new members and those new members each got two more, we’d meet our membership goal to open. It’s really that simple!
Email us at [email protected] or click here: Home Party Interest Form
We’ll see you around town and at the Farmers Market!
In touch,
Kelly Matthews
OFC President
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