Hungry for more than just a member-owned grocery store in Oshkosh? Get a taste of what our store will offer by joining before we reach 1,000 members!
Become a new member today and be entered to win an exclusive, private dinner for up to ten guests. Board member and Chef Lizz Redman specializes in locally inspired, fresh cuisine. Her seasonal three course plated dinner will be served by fellow board members in an exclusive location be to announced at the drawing! Tomato peach gazpacho? Kohlrabi and cucumber carpaccio with fresh herbs? Crunchy sourdough breaded pasture raised pork chops? Lizz will work with you to plan the perfect meal for your tastes and preferences.
Any new member (through member number 1,000) who joins through our website will be qualified to win. Drawing will occur on facebook live once we have reached our goal. Dinner must be redeemed within six months of drawing.
There are several options to becoming a member. Online payments are done through paypal, and you will receive an email once your payment has gone through.
By purchasing a membership share, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the Bylaws.
By becoming a member, you receive the right to vote on official co-op matters, attend our annual meeting, and receive the latest progress on our store. You may name one other person in your household to the account.
1. You can purchase a non-refundable one-time membership in the co-op for $180.
2. You can also become a monthly payment member by making 18 - $11 payments for a total of $198.
Monthly Member Option Click here
3. Already a member? Gift a membership to a friend, colleague, or family member:
Gift Membership Option Click here
4. If you wish to pay offline or would like to share the brochure with a friend: