Thurs, June 10, 6:00pm
Where: Oshkosh Food Co-op, 155 Jackson Street, Oshkosh
Facebook event signup page:
Help us "roll out" the Oshkosh Food Co-op to our new neighbors by joining us for a casual bike ride through Oshkosh! This 3-mile ride will visit the River East, Stevens Park districts along the north end of the river.
ANY BIKE, ANY AGE, ANY RIDER LEVEL WILL BE WELCOMED AND ACCEPTED. The route begins and ends at the store site on Jackson and Pearl, however, you are welcome to join us along the way then follow us back to the co-op for snacks and drinks.
We’ll also have free shirts for anyone joining the ride from the start point. Riders will also be given flyers for the co-op’s upcoming Neighborhood Birthday Bash on June 12. You can help us spread the word by giving out this info to friends and neighbors you meet along the way or see before the event.
> In case of bad weather, see our Facebook Event Page for plans.
> Wearing a helmet is strongly encouraged.
> Please be safe by sharing the road according to cycling laws and be respectful of traffic.
> Each rider at the start point will receive a map of the route we’ll be taking, however, there will be a vested leader following the route and setting the pace. Please don’t pass the leader.
> Each participant agrees to assume any liability for their own participation. In no event, shall the Oshkosh Food Co-op assume any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by use of, or reliance, on information on this event page, or from participating in this ride.
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