We are very excited to announce this year's Oshkosh Food Co-op slate of candidates!
Each year, three board positions are open for election. Additional seats may be available for election because of vacancies in the previous year. Generally, board members hold positions for three-year terms unless shortened due to vacancies., and elections are held in the first half of every year. This year there are four seats available, therefore OFC members may vote for up to four candidates. The top three vote-getters will serve a three year term and the candidate with the fourth highest number of votes will serve a one year term.
2022 Board of Directors Candidate Slate
Please click the links below to read the nomination statement that each of the outstanding candidates has prepared as you consider your vote!
As a reminder, members will have the opportunity to vote for up to four candidates.
Who is eligible to vote: Every primary member (each member household gets one vote) that became a member on or before Aprll 23, 2022 is eligible to vote in the Board of Directors election.
How to cast your vote:
- All voting is online this year! An email was sent to each eligible primary member through Election Runner at 12:05 am, April 23, 2022. Voting reminders have also subsequently gone out.
- If you did not receive an online ballot and are a member of the co-op, please check your spam, promotions or trash for anything from Election Runner and if you don't find a link to your ballot, please email us with updated contact information and we will confirm your membership and send you a ballot. Please note, each membership receives one ballot; voting instructions are sent to to the primary member's email address.
- Online elections will close at midnight on May 23, 2022. Additional instructions are included in the email.
When will winners of the Board of Directors election be announced?
The outcome of the election will be announced at our Annual Meeting on May 25. The meeting in person and in our store this year! Sign up here to attend the OFC Annual Meeting!
If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at [email protected].
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