Meeting Agendas

Member-owners are welcome to attend Board Meetings to observe and make member comments. If you would like to submit member comments, you may do so:

  • In writing via an email. Please feel free to send any member comments to [email protected].  Please be sure to note "member comment" in the subject line. These comments will be read into the board meeting minutes.
  • In person or online at a board meeting. Please email [email protected] no later than 24 hours before a scheduled board meeting to find out the finalized time, location and/or link to attend the meeting in person or remotely
    • If attending a meeting in person or online you will be asked your name and member number when you arrive at the meeting
    • 10-15 minutes are designated at the beginning of each board meeting for member comments. We ask that you generally keep your remarks to 2 or 3 minutes. If we have a large number of member-owners seeking to make comments, we will divide the designated time evenly among all member-owners wishing to speak.
    • After making your remarks, you are welcome to observe the rest of the meeting but may not contribute unless invited to by the Board President.

2023 Agenda

2022 Agenda

2021 Agenda

2020 Agendas

2019 Agendas

2018 Agendas:

2017 Agendas:
