August 19, 2015 Agenda
Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting Date: 8-19-15 Time: 7:30-10:00 PM
Location: Blue Door Consulting 21 W New York Ave Oshkosh WI
Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]
Approve minutes of previous meeting
Treasurers Report
New members since last board meeting: (5) Jason/Tina Yolo; Judith OShaughnessy/Jack Schultz; Angie Lee/Jeremiah Bohr; Carole and Phil Schwartz; & Steve Schukow
CALL with Jacqueline Hannah from Food Co-op Initiative (7:45 – 8:30); times approximate. This call will take priority for time in our meeting this week; agenda items or conversations may be truncated or moved to the next meeting to accommodate the guest call.
Standing Business
Committee check in: a brief update/report (note new categories)
Membership (member events, house parties, etc)
- Michelle Schry Follow up
- Co-opalooza
House Parties
- Confirmed
- Pending
- Update on those held
Education and Outreach events
- In progress
- Future events
- Update from past events
- Others we should be meeting with?
- Summer Market
- Seed Grant – Planning call follow up
- Video Update
New Business
Other Business
July Letter From The President
July 20, 2015
Hello Co-op Member Owners (who now number over 200!!) and Supporters
Oshkosh is known as Event City – and we hope you are out and about enjoying all Oshkosh has to offer! We have a number of dates for you to know about.
The first one is a SAVE THE DATEfor our Co-opalooza– this music event member drive is happening, Saturday October 3(afternoon/evening) at the Algoma Club. We’ve got several bands confirmed, including the DEAD HORSES, who have been big Co-op supporters from the beginning. If you are a member, consider coming and bringing a friend to sign up and join the Co-op!
Come see us at the Oshkosh Summer Farmers Market – we will be there August 1 and 22; September 12;and October 3 and 24. We always have membership brochures to share for sign up on the spot. Consider inviting a friend who wants to join the Co-op to come to the Market and meet up with us there! (Our booth is in front of Folklore, on the North end of the Market near Parkway Ave.)
Lastly, our Second Annual Meeting was held on June 24, 2015 at Menominee Park. It was attended by a small yet mighty crew. There was a great Q&A session as well as a yard sign give away. We even had a new household join our Co-op that night! We welcomed our new board members, Cynthia Thorpe and Linda Windhausen and confirmed the election of three more currently serving board members who were re-elected, Brenna Root, Brenda Haines, and Kelly Matthews. In our board meeting on July 8, 2015 we elected officers and they are:
President: Kelly Matthews Vice President: Stephanie Gyldenvand
Treasurer: Lawrence Stahowiak Secretary: Brenna Root
Remember, we need your help to keep this momentum going and to keep growing our membership! Host a house party or summer BBQ and invite a board member to answer questions about the Co-op and sign up members! The weather’s perfect and who doesn’t like a get-together?
If every current member recruited two new members and those new members each got two more, we’d meet our membership goal to open. It’s really that simple!
Email us at [email protected] or click here: Home Party Interest Form
We’ll see you around town and at the Farmers Market!
In touch,
Kelly Matthews
OFC President
Public Agenda July 22, 2015
Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting Date: 7-22-15 Time: 7:30-10:00 PM
Location: 817 Waugoo Ave, Oshkosh WI
Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]
Approve minutes of previous meeting
Treasurers Report
New members since last board meeting:
Standing Business
- Committee check in: a brief update/report (note new categories)
Membership (member events, house parties, etc)
- Michelle Schry Follow up
- Co-opalooza
- House Parties
- Confirmed
- Pending
Education and Outreach events
- In progress
- Future events
- Others we should be meeting with?
Summer Market
- New system for confirming attendance
- Booth Materials
- Seed Grant
- DATCP: Buy Local Buy Wisconsin (info attached after agenda)
Video Update
New Business
Other Business
Public Agenda July 8, 2015
Oshkosh Food Co-op Board
Meeting Date: 7-8-15
Time: 7:30-9:30
Location: 817 Waugoo Ave, Oshkosh WI
Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]
Approve minutes of previous meeting
Treasurers Report
Standing Business
Committee check in: a brief update/report
House Party scheduling/follow up
Michelle Schry [Member drive event June 4] follow up
One on One visits
Summer Market
Elections/Annual Meeting
Seed Grant
Video Update
- New Business
- Other Business
- Adjourn
June Letter from the President
June 22, 2015
A quick note from the President this month – we’ve got lots to celebrate!
We will be having our 2nd Annual Meeting on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. You are invited! Bring a dish to pass, bring a friend who might be interested in joining – we are looking at this event as a mini-member drive! We will be at Menominee Park from 6-8PM in shelter #2. We will provide beverages and cups; you bring the dishes your group needs to eat (plates, forks, etc.). Come celebrate all we’ve accomplished this past year and hear about what’s coming next!
On June 4, we held a very successful member drive event, Co-op Grow Op! We had nationally-known Michelle Schry speak on the importance of Co-ops in communities and wow, did our audience respond! We had over 45 new households join the Oshkosh Food Co-op as Member-Owners and we couldn’t be happier! The exciting thing is that those new members can speak to their friends and neighbors and further extend the possibility of membership! A huge shout-out to the Table Captains, planning committee and volunteers who made that event rock!
Remember, we need your help to keep this momentum going and to keep growing our membership! Host a house party or summer BBQ and invite a board member to answer questions about the Co-op and sign up members! The weather’s perfect and who doesn’t like a get-together?
If every current member recruited two new members and those new members each got two more, we’d meet our membership goal to open. It’s really that simple!
Email us at [email protected] or click here: Home Party Interest Form
We’ll see you around town and at the Farmers Market!
In touch,
Kelly Matthews
OFC President
Public Agenda May 27, 2015
Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting Date: 5-27-15 Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Location: 817 Waugoo Ave, Oshkosh WI
- Welcome
- Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]
- Approve minutes of previous meeting
- Treasurers Report
- Including tax filing update (Nicole)
Standing Business
- Committee check in: a brief update/report
- Communications
- House Party Scheduling/follow up
- Co-opapalooza
- Messaging
- Software
- Michelle Schry [Member drive event June 4]
- One on One visits
- Summer Market
- Elections planning/Annual Meeting
- Seed Grant
- Phone – a – thon
- Video Update
New Business
Other Business
May Letter from the President
May 18, 2015
Hello OFC Member-Owners and Supporters,
May is here – things are blooming, windows are open, and that is a good feeling! Things are blooming and we want memberships to bloom too – and they are! Last month, a Co-op supporter, Miyoko, hosted a house party. She invited a few other people she thought might be interested to hear more about the OFC. Board member Paul Van Auken attended and answered questions, shared the progress of the Co-op, and listened carefully to comments. At the end of the night, 100% of the households joined! What’s more – two of the households that joined have offered to host house parties of their own! It’s exciting and we know momentum is building!
The math is simple – we gain members one at a time, but what is powerful is that each new member gives us access to many more potential members!
We have three easy ways you can help keep this momentum going:
Host your own house party.
Captain a table for our June 4 Member Drive event, Co-op Grow-Op!
Spread the word about Co-opalooza and join the planning team!
We have had a number of folks and businesses step forward to host a house party – let’s keep up that momentum! We are asking people to host house parties with people in their circles, whether those circles be social, work, faith community, sport, school or some other - people who haven't heard about the Co-op but know you. It can be a potluck, a wine and cheese night, a game night, a dessert bar – you name it! A board member would be available to make a short, informal presentation and help with the 'ask' for membership. You can help support our effort by hosting a house party or talking to friend about hosting. Click here to sign up: Home Party Interest Form
We are looking for Table Captains for our June 4th Member Drive event. We are inviting Michelle Schry from the People’s Co-op in La Crosse to speak with us about the benefits of Co-ops and what a community-owned grocery store can do for us! For this event, you would commit to bringing 7 other people who are not currently members, who are interested in learning more about the Oshkosh Food Co-op and who are considering membership. If you want more information about this event, email us at [email protected] – we can hook you up with the planning committee for additional details. It’s exciting to hear people are already RSVPing for the event! I think it is going to be a fabulous night!
we are still working on plans for Co-opalooza event for the early Fall (tentative date October 3, 2015) - we have the support of some local musicians and want to turn this into a fun member drive event. If you would like to be part of the planning committee, we would love to have you. Please email us and let us know your interest. You can reach us at [email protected]
Anything else on your mind that we should know about? Have a marketing idea for us or a way to encourage membership? Let us know and we could feature your idea in the future!
In touch,
Kelly Matthews
OFC President
Public Agenda 5/13/2015
Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting Date: 5-13-15 Time: 7:30-9:30
Location: 817 Waugoo Ave, Oshkosh WI
- Welcome
- Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]
- Approve minutes of previous meeting
- Treasurers Report
- Standing Business
6. Committee check in: a brief update/report
House Party scheduling/follow up
Michelle Schry [Member drive event June 4]
One on One visits
Summer Market
Elections planning/Annual Meeting
Seed Grant
Video Update
7. New Business
Volunteer projects – phone-a-thon for annual meeting
8. Other Business
9. Adjourn
Presidential Transition
This week we have gone through a transition in leadership, specifically the position for the President of the Oshkosh Food Coop. Please read the letter in the link below from our former President, Bridgette Weber, and our new President, Kelly Matthews. We will continue to strive to gather membership in our community and keep spreading the word!