Public Agenda 3/2/2016

Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting              Date: 3-2-16             Time: 7:30-9:30 PM

Location: 817 Waugoo Ave Oshkosh

  1. Welcome
  2. Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]
  3. Approve minutes of previous meeting
  4. Treasurers Report
  5. New member
  6. Appointing new board member
  7. Conversation regarding team/committee creation based on timeline
  8. Standing Business
  • Communications/Messaging
  • Membership (member events, house parties, etc)
  • Software/Technology
  • Education and Outreach events
  • Market Booth
  • Grants/Support/Conferences

 9. New Business

10. Other Business

11. Adjourn

Meeting schedule notes:

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, 03/016/16 at 7:30 pm at Kelly’s (817 Waugoo Ave)

Public Agenda 2-17-2016

Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting              Date: 2-17-16                       Time: 7:30-9:30 PM

Location: 817 Waugoo Ave Oshkosh

1.    Welcome

2.    Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]

3.    Approve minutes of previous meeting

4.    Treasurers Report

  • Savings:
  • Checking:
  • Fully paid members:
  • Payment plan members:
  • OFC books review:

5.    New members

6.    Post Pull Tab flyer:

7.    Interviewing and appointing new board member:

8.    Conversation regarding team/committee creation based on timeline

  • Frame timeline around the following committees:

◦     A. Membership/outreach                 B. Finance                C. Location

 9.    Standing Business

Committee check in: a brief update/report


Communications/Messaging :

9.1.1.           Membership (member events, house parties, etc)

9.1.2.           Software/Technology

9.2.  Education and Outreach events       Confirmed       In progress       Others we should be meeting with?       Volunteer sources

1.2. Market Booth

1.3. Grants/Support/Conferences


New Business


Other Business






Meeting schedule notes:


  • NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, 03/02/16 at 7:30 at Kelly’s (817 Waugoo Ave)

2015 Progress and January 2016 Letter from the Board

Happy January 2016!

Your OFC board spent a full day plus in deep strategic planning on January 17th and 18th to create a strong plan to keep our momentum building.  We were joined by Food Co-op Initiative’s Jacqueline Hannah, Food Co-op Development Specialist to facilitate. Jacqueline’s role is to work with start-ups to offer support, guidance, and resources. Here’s what she had to say:  “It’s the best feeling when you are sincerely impressed by a startup’s leadership and by the potential of their community!”  High praise from someone who spends a lot of time with startups around the country!


Main points of our day:

1. Often we hear: “Why is it taking so long?”  Jacqueline described how when conventional grocery stores announce they are moving to a community, a store opens in about 6 months – but what you aren’t told is that they have been working, behind the scenes, for *years* before that announcement is made. The difference with Co-ops is that you may have heard about this project *from the very beginning* - which is great, because Co-ops strive to be transparent in our communications. But it does make the wait seem longer because you are more aware of the full process and each step that has to happen to make the store a reality.

2. Reviewing and understanding the development stages of a Co-op; where our Co-op planning is and what comes next. We created a detailed timeline to guide our work.

3. Given the solid work of the board so far, taking into consideration current competition and markets, and reviewing our previous projections for sales, it is VERY POSSIBLE to make this project successful and open a Co-op here in Oshkosh.

4. Understanding that opening this Co-op will take a community effort and how we can help bring that forward.

5. Learning from other start-ups and successful co-ops, so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel – our job is to make it right for Oshkosh!


And here we are during our meeting 


(Consultant Jacqueline Hannah is standing to the right of the screen.)


It’s serious work to open a Co-op, but our meeting included laughter, thoughtful conversation and some detailed planning to keep us on track to open a store here in Oshkosh.



As we move towards 300 Member-Owners we will be in touch with the financial experts who specialize in Co-operative start-ups like ours, to help conduct the crucial financial analysis. This may not sound important, but this step will ready us to develop our business plan and have the data we need to meet with lenders and work with owners to secure loans down the road as we take one more step towards getting the doors open. 

  • Volunteer Opportunity: Hang up Pull Tab Posters!

We are finalizing our flyer to increase awareness about the Co-op around all sections of Oshkosh.  Would you be willing to hang a few flyers in your neck of the woods?  Getting this information out to all of Oshkosh is an important step in building awareness and membership!  We will be adding this flyer to our website soon so you can print a few to hang!  We will send an email when the flyer is ready!


  • Volunteer Project: Mentoring at the Farmer’s Market!

 Summer Farmer Market plans are already underway! Are you interested in sharing information about the Co-op and signing up new Member-Owners? You would be paired with an experienced board member to learn how – everything’s more fun in pairs! Email us to let us know you are interested and we will match you up with a board member who will be in touch with details. [email protected]


Board applications have been received!

Thank you to all who submitted a board member application. We were delighted by the number of folks who came forward to express interest. Applications will be reviewed by the first board meeting in February.  Bylaws allow the board to appoint a new member to finish out the term of a board member who has left the board.  We will notifiy the applicants and keep all applications on file for those who applied.

2016 is going to be a year of immense progress and work as we keep this project on track. We will be reaching out to you, our community – the Member-Owners of the Co-op – for your support, insights, and help. As you think about the possibilities and promise of 2016, think also about how you will help take concrete steps to grow membership, spread the word, and help us get closer to opening the doors.

We can’t do this without you – because Co-ops are all about doing it together! See the progress we made in 2015! Let's keep it going!


Wishing you an amazing 2016,

Kelly on behalf of the Oshkosh Food Co-op board

December 2015 Letter from the Board

Happy December!

We are full of gratitude this season. We are part of a community that cares and takes action to make things better.  We witness steady progress on this important process of bringing a grocery store to Oshkosh that is owned by members (and can thereby do even more good for Oshkosh and beyond). And we know it is because of the support of people like you – people who have purchased memberships, people who have recruited others, people who have donated items to support our mini-member drives and more. We are grateful.

We are also EXCITED – excited to announce that we’ve reached our Nifty 250 goal! It’s so wonderful to reach out and say, “Help us get to this next step” and watch the memberships come in to get there.  Each of these mini-goals is important as we move to taking the next major steps in our timeline.

As we move towards 300 Member-Owners we will be in touch with the financial experts who specialize in Co-operative start-ups like ours, to help conduct the crucial financial analysis. This may not sound important, but this step will ready us to develop our business plan and have the data we need to meet with lenders and others down the road as we take one more step towards getting the doors open. 

If you are interested in having brochures to share at your workplace or with friends, let us know and we can be sure to get those to you!  Just email us at [email protected] and let us know how to get them to you! (We can deliver!)  And if you have a Health and Wellness program at your place of employment, let us know – we can meet with them to discuss a Lunch and Learn, see if membership to the OFC can become a benefit, or other ways to include the OFC in your path to being healthy.

As we close out 2015, we are in the throes of planning our annual retreat.  This is a time that we set aside to check in with the larger work plan we have set to ensure we are planning not just for the now, but also for the next big steps along the way. Last year’s retreat plan resulted in planning our Co-op Grow-Op and Co-opalooza and those events garnered over 60 new members. We are very excited to have Jacqueline Hannah, Food Co-op Development Specialist with the Food Co-op Initiative (FCI) joining us for our retreat day.  We will be focusing on building membership, engaging our membership (we know you want to be involved in the project in different ways!), and doing another timeline for the next 1-2 years.

Did you know that you can give the gift of the Co-op to another person this holiday season?  It’s true – what a great gift to invest in the community as well as wow your recipient with such a thoughtful gesture! You can set it up on our website – purchase a membership and enter your recipient’s name and information.  If you want it to be a surprise or have us email you the membership certificate so you can gift-wrap it and put a bow on top, email us before you purchase the membership, so we know it will be a gift/surprise and we can be in touch about the specifics! Shhhhh, we love surprises!

And finally, we have an open board position. Through the by-laws, we can appoint a new board member until our next membership meeting where elections take place. Are you interested in joining this dynamic group?  If you have questions about what participation looks like, send us an email ([email protected] ) or contact one of the current Board members (contact information here) to have a conversation. We would love to talk with you!

Have a fantastic holiday season,

Kelly on behalf of the Oshkosh Food Co-op Board

Public Agenda December 16, 2015

Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting              Date: 12-16-15                    Time: 7:30-9:30 PM

Location: Blue Door Consulting 21 W New York Ave

  1. 1.    Welcome
  2. 2.    Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]
  3. 3.    Approve minutes of previous meeting
  4. 4.    Treasurers Report
  • Savings:
  • Checking:
  • Fully paid members:
  • Payment plan members:
    • OFC books review:


  1. 5.    New members
  2. 6.    Retreat scheduling
  3. 7.    Update on Acorn Fund
  4. 8.    Finalize Pull Tab flyer
  5. 9.    Likely folks to join brainstorm

10. Identifying and appointing new board member


11. Standing Business

Committee check in: a brief update/report


Membership (member events, house parties, etc)


Education and Outreach events

Market Booth


Video Update


New Business


Other Business




Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting Agenda 12/2/15

Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting Date: 12-02-15 Time: 7:30-9:30 PM

Location: 817 Waugoo Ave, Oshkosh WI

  1. Welcome

  2. Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]

  3. Approve minutes of previous meeting

  4. Treasurers Report

  • Savings:

  • Checking:

  • Fully paid members:

  • Payment plan members:

  • OFC books review (Nicole)


  1. New members since last board meeting (checked 11/29/15) (5)

  2. Retreat scheduling:

  3. Update on Acorn Fund:

  4. Nifty 250 campaign update:

  5. Gratitude cards:

  6. Board Appreciation event


  1. Standing Business

    1. Committee check in: a brief update/report

      1. Communications/Messaging :


    1. Membership (member events, house parties, etc)

      1. Michelle Schry Follow up

      2. House Parties


    1. Software/Technology


    1. Education and Outreach events

      1. Confirmed

      2. In progress

  1. Others we should be meeting with?


    1. Market Booth

    2. Grants/Support/Conferences


    1. Video Update


  1. Recruiting Board Members for Board

  2. New Business

  3. Other Business

  4. Adjourn


Meeting schedule notes:

  • NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, Dec 16th at 7:30PM

  • January will start again on every other schedule, starting Jan 6 (This will be our Board Appreciation evening)

Public Agenda for Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting 11/11/15

Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting Date: 11-11-15

Time: 7:30-9:30 PM

Location: 817 Waugoo Ave, Oshkosh WI

1. Welcome
2. Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment]
3. Approve minutes of previous meeting
4. Treasurers Report
• Savings:
• Checking:
• Fully paid members:
• Payment plan members:

5. New members (3)

6. Retreat scheduling: Scheduled for January 17th from 9AM – 5PM
7. Update on Acorn Fund:
8. Conference review:
9. Nifty 250 campaign update:
10. Gratitude cards:
11. Board Appreciation event

12. Standing Business

Committee check in: a brief update/report

  • Communications/Messaging :
  • Membership (member events, house parties, etc) 
  • Software/Technology 
  • Education and Outreach events
  • Market Booth
  • Grants/Conferences
  • Video Update

13. Recruiting Board Members for Board

14. New Business

15. Other Business

16. Adjourn

Oct/Nov Letter from the President

Happy End-of-October/Beginning of November!

Exciting news – we are closing in on Nifty 250 for membership!  And right now we have a give-away in place. Consider it a late sort of Trick or Treat, but really just Treats!  If you become a member between now and when we hit that 250th member, you can choose an item from our treasure store. So tell your friends – if they have been waiting for another reason why, we have goodies to give!

Co-opalooza brought us 15 members and several hundred folks got to hear about our project!  Big thanks to the bands (The Dead Horses, Steez, and Kurt Stein’s School of Music) and the venue (Algoma Club/Manila) – it was a super fun event!  What ideas do you have for us to consider for our next member events?  We’re all ears!  Email us at [email protected] and let us know!
Are you are Member-owner who also has a brick and mortar store?  Would you want a beautiful yard sign to display at your business to help spread the word and raise awareness about the Co-op?  If so, email us at [email protected] and let us know who you are, your business name, and where we can deliver it!
As we close out 2015, we are in the throes of planning our annual retreat.  This is a time that we set aside to check in with the larger work plan we have set to ensure we are planning not just for the now, but also for the next big steps along the way. Last year’s retreat plan resulted in planning our Co-op Grow-Op and Co-opalooza. We are very excited to have Jacqueline Hannah, Food Co-op Development Specialist with the Food Co-op Initiative (FCI) joining us for our retreat day.  We will be focusing on building membership, engaging our membership (we know you want to be involved in the project in different ways!), and doing another timeline for the next 1-2 years.

Did you know that you can give the gift of the Co-op to another person this holiday season? It’s true – what a great gift to invest in the community as well as wow your recipient with such a thoughtful gesture! You can set it up on our website – purchase a membership and enter your recipient’s name and information. If you want it to be a surprise or have us email you the membership certificate so you can gift-wrap it and put a bow on top, email us before you purchase the membership, so we know it will be a gift/surprise and we can be in touch about the specifics! Shhhhh, we love surprises!

I am so very pleased with the progress we’ve been making – it’s been so fun to watch our member-owner number grow and GROW. Thank you for talking to your friends, neighbors, families, and others to help us reach this milestone we are closing in on – Nifty 250, we are almost there!  
In touch,

Agenda 10-28-15

Oshkosh Food Co-op Board Meeting  Date: 10-28-15  Time: 7:30-9:30 PM

Location: 817 Waugoo Ave, Oshkosh WI

1. Welcome

2. Member Comment Period [3 minutes per comment] 

3. Approve minutes of previous meeting

4. Treasurers Report

· Savings:

· Checking:

· Fully paid members:

· Payment plan members:


5. New members 

6. Retreat scheduling:

7. Oshkosh Community Foundation meeting 

8. Question about agenda: 


9. Standing Business

9.9. Committee check in: a brief update/report

9.9.9. Communications/Messaging :


9.9.9. Membership (member events, house parties, etc) Co-opalooza Follow up needed: House Parties Held since last meeting Confirmed Pending


9.9.9. Software/Technology


9.9.  Education and Outreach events In progress Future events Others we should be meeting with?


9.9. Market Booth


9.9. Grants/Support { Will Continue Conversation } Seed Grant Conference


9.9. Video Update


10. Recruiting Board Members for Board



11. New Business


12. Other Business


13. Adjourn


Meeting schedule notes:

· Meeting scheduled for November 25th is bumped to December 2nd.

· The following meeting will be December 16th.

· January will start again on every other schedule, starting Jan 6



September Letter from the President

Happy just turned to Fall!

Some of you can’t wait for the apple picking, sweaters, hot cocoa and more.  Around here, we can’t wait for Co-opalooza on Saturday, October 3rd – we’ve had a number of prizes donated, bands are ready to play and all we are missing are YOU and your friends and family.

Co-opalooza will be happening at the Algoma Club in downtown Oshkosh – we will start at 5PM and music and the night will continue until about 11PM. It’s also Gallery Walk that night, so you can invite folks you know who will be out and about to stop by and learn more about our progress! And remember, special drawings for folks who become members that night and for those members who refer them!

Events like this happen because we have a dedicated board, who meets at least every other week to make progress on opening the Co-op. At one of our recent board meetings, we had a call with Jaqueline Hannah, Food Co-op Development Specialist with the Food Co-op Initiative (FCI) (  She shared some good information with us regarding the progress of our Co-op and next steps we should be thinking about.  Some highlights:

1.       They were impressed with our Member Drive event in June and want us to share what made our event successful with other Co-ops.

2.       According to her, we are on target for our member numbers. She described a ‘snowball effect’ that happens with membership, when the membership starts to pick up speed in recruitment. We aren’t quite at that stage yet, but we are making impressive progress towards it. It’s something we are aware of and working hard to get to!

3.       And even the changes we’ve had in board composition are typical at this stage when the work shifts from picturing what might be to doing the work on the ground to make that important vision a reality.

4.       We were *very close* to getting funded with the FCI Seed Grant for start-ups this last funding cycle. She gave us some strategic insights to build on the great year we’ve had. We’ll be able to show momentum and connect how our work fits into the steps that co-ops go through when they start up.  We are starting now to craft our grant application to maximize what we learned in our call with her.

And finally, I know it’s early to be thinking about the holiday season, but we wanted to make sure you knew that you could give the gift of the Co-op!  It’s possible to buy a Membership share in someone else’s name – we will work with you to make sure the recipient is aware of your community-building gift and knows who to thank, if that is your wish!

Please do share the news about the Co-op with all you know!  You never know who might be a Co-op supporter! 

In touch, Kelly

Become a member
